Shirley TempleBook Shelf 4Recent Booklets (Small books/soft cover) 1975+ (Picture: Reading with Will Rogers 1934) |
Background music: "Toyland", Arrangement ©1926, Ampico, Computer adaptation ©2013 L West |
See: Recent Books 1975+, Modern Books 1945-74, Vintage Books 1930-44, Recent Booklets 1975+, Modern Booklets 1945-74, Vintage Booklets 1930-44
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
The Shirley Collectors Magazine - This issue
is famous 8 pages devoted to Shirley as a child - excerpted from Robert Windelers book, 28 photo's, 3 pages of rare Lucile McClure photo's, 3 additional pages of "Movie Moppets of Yesteryear" 1978 Hollywood Studio Magazine: December, Soft cover |
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
A Folio of Shirley's Dolls - Shirley posing
with her doll collection, brief text: 13 pages $4-50 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
A 2nd Folio of Shirley's Dolls - Shirley and
Bears, unusual ST dolls including foreign or cloth or fake, ads for 1930's compo dolls and
1950's vinyl dolls, Shirley at home with her Whitney doll carriages, early movie poses
with dolls, brief text: 32 pages $4-50 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
Shirley's Dolls - Poses and dolls, doll
collection, paper dolls, her dollhouse at home, those given to her in Hawaii and movie
props, 2nd printing : 20 pages $3.50 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
Shirley's Dolls and Related Delights -
Mostly ads for vintage dolls and poses with dolls dressed in her movie costumes, New
printing of the loose leaf original, long unavailable: 76 pages $12-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
L.Burdick Collection ©1999 |
Shirley's Postcard Book - Old Spanish and
other useable cards, 2nd Ed: $8-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices |
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
Shirley's Birthday Book - Studio and movie
birthday scenes with cake & guests, all compiled in honor of her 50th birthday: 1978
64 pages $8-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
Shirley's Easter Book - Easter poses with
Bunnies, in Cinderella Spring frocks, as an Altar girl/Choir girl, with Easter lillies,
eggs: 32 pages $4-25 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
L.Burdick Collection ©1999 |
Shirley's New Years Book - From Father Time
to fairy & ballet: $4-25 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices |
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
Shirley's Holiday Book - All the fun
publicity poses & outfits for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas: 32 pages $4-25 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
Shirley's Baby Book - Shirley as a toddler,
in Baby Burlesks and a series with Baby LeRoy, 2nd printing of 1978 book so long out of
print: 24 pages $4-25 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
L.Burdick Collection ©1999 |
Shirley's Christmas Book - Long out of print
available in copies of book: each $6-00 Publisher
Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at
modest prices |
C.Corbridge Collection ©2001 |
Shirley's Toys - Shirleys personal toys as
well as those used on-screen and at studio, Long out of print available in copies of book:
20 pages each $6-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
L.Burdick Collection ©1999 |
Shirley's Christmas Toys - New edition of
1973 book, added paper doll 2 pages and both covers from the 1935 Saalfield Christmas
Book: 24 pages $4-25 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices |
L.Burdick Collection ©1999 |
Shirley's Fashions And Features - Long out
of print available in copies of book: each $6-00 Publisher
Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at
modest prices |
L.Burdick Collection ©2007 |
Shirley's Farm Friends - Latest
Book 36 pages: each $14-00 2007 Publisher
Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many others available at
modest prices |
L.Burdick Collection ©2008 |
Shirley's Animal Pals - Latest
book 38 pages: each $14-00 2008 Publisher
Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many others available at
modest prices |
Special Item Shirley Temple at the Movies - Color laser copy from original art paper doll set using plate pose as the doll, created by Alex Gonzales: 2 sheets as shown, $6-00. 9 page set, 6 1/2 x 11": $28-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices |
Ideal dolls - 1939 catalog, Shirley Temple,
Betsy Wetsey, Cinderella, Beatrix, Flexy, Frank Buck stuffed animals, Deanna Durbin, Queen
of Ice and more dolls, trunk sets: 24 pages in paper covers $6-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
Child Star Dolls And Toys - New printing of
loose leaf original, long unavailable, sizable Shirley section and many other child stars:
$18-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
The Little Colonel - Color postcard of
Shirley Temple and Lionel Barrymore, color repro of foreign original: $1 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
Captain January - Color postcard close up of
Shirley from English original: $1-00 Publisher Loraine Burdick, Soft cover, many available at modest prices
Original List Prices shown, are subject to any subsequent increases
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